Termite Control

FDA Licensed Termite Control expert serving the whole Philippines with specialization in Termite Proofing, Termite Baiting Systems, Termite Barriers and Wood Treatments.

Wildlife Control & Rescue
Humane wildlife removal and rescue services to ensure the safety of both humans and animals. We handle pythons, snakes, monitor lizards,birds, bats, monkeys, and more.
General Pest Control

Comprehensive pest control services for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. We eliminate ants, cockroaches, rodents, flies, mosquitos and other common pests.

Disinfection Service
Professional disinfection and sanitation services using hospital grade products for homes, offices, and public spaces to maintain a clean and healthy environment.

Fumigation of Commodities
Expert fumigation services for warehouses, shipping containers, and stored commodities to eradicate pests and protect your goods.

Expert Pest Control Services

There are many different types of termite treatments available to homeowners, so how will you know which one is best for your home? This decision should be made carefully, following careful research of the options recommended by your trusted termite specialist, Technologist Pest Control.
Each home is unique so treatment should be customized accordingly. By working closely with your termite specialist, Technologist Pest Control you can develop an appropriate and effective termite treatment plan for your home. The most common termite treatment options are outlined below.
Conventional Treatment
This type of treatment has been available for more than 50 years. A conventional treatment seeks to treat all potential areas where subterranean termites may enter a home. It is considered to be the most extensive liquid treatment for termites. Conventional treatment includes treating the soil on both sides of foundation walls, the voids of cinder blocks in foundation walls, and the soil under plumbing penetrations in slabs and bath traps. Drilling is usually required to treat the interior foundation wall, cinder block voids and plumbing penetration areas. The number of treatment areas and the amount of drilling vary based on the home’s construction type
Xterm™ Termite Baiting System

Termite Baiting System
Termite baits are a whole different concept. With this approach, small amounts of material known as the toxicant knocks out populations of termites foraging in and around the structure.
Some homes may have only baits as a stand alone treatment; others may be integrated with liquid or barrier treatments. Using a baiting system with barrier treatments will allow a reduction of amounts of pesticide use.
Termite baiting systems are the smart way to protect your home from termites. They utilise the termites’ own foraging behaviour to gain complete colony control. Highly attractive bait containing insecticide is placed at termite feeding sites. Termites feed on the bait and take it back to the nest and pass it on to the queen and nest mates. Its delayed action means it gets spread around the colony before the termites realise anything is wrong and death of the colony is assured.

Termite baiting systems are the smart way to protect your home from termites. They utilise the termites’ own foraging behaviour to gain complete colony control. Highly attractive bait containing insecticide is placed at termite feeding sites. Termites feed on the bait and take it back to the nest and pass it on to the queen and nest mates. Its delayed action means it gets spread around the colony before the termites realise anything is wrong and death of the colony is assured. More...
Termidor® America’s #1 Termite Defense Product

Termidor® termiticide/insecticide is a professional termite defense product effective on native subterranean termites, Formosan termites, and drywood termites. It utilizes an advanced nonrepellent, or “undetectable,” liquid technology that termites cannot see, smell, taste, or avoid. Instead, they contact, ingest, and share Termidor, completely unaware that doing so will inevitably kill them.
Unparalleled PerformanceIn numerous trials across the United States and around the world,Termidor has proven consistently effective at eliminating termites in structures and at preventing future infestations and devastating damage.
Ongoing field trials by the United States Department of Agriculture-Forest Service show no signs of termite damage in concrete slab field test plots treated at labeled rates with Termidor® 80 WGtermiticide/insecticide for more than 15 years after treatment-results no other currently available termite control products can match.
Termidor Certified Professionals have successfully protected over 4 million U.S. homes with Termidor since it was introduced in 2000. Applied according to label directions, Termidor starts working immediately and has provided 100% control of infesting termites in three months or less after treatment.

General Pest Control

Our technician will complete a thorough investigation of your home before starting this service looking for signs of CRAWLING AND FLYING INSECTS/PEST such as cockroach, flies, mosquitos, bedbugs, ticks and fleas, rats and mice activity as well as discuss with you any concerns you may have on site. Our technician will service all crack and crevices with a flushing agent designed to kill pests found on site during service, some of these areas will include your windows, skirting boards, cracks in tiles and kitchen cupboards.
Other areas will have a gel bait applied to them, this paste will attract hiding pest, these will feed on this paste rendering them unable to reproduce and eventually dying. A powder will also be blown into your roof void if required. Usually a follow up visit will be performed 10 to 14 days later.
Chemical treatment is carried out by spraying combination of insecticides (Herbal Insecticide / Chemical Insecticide) in every crack and crevice of the premises to reach all the hidden parts to kill all PEST.
Cockroach Control. The cockroach population thrives in areas where food, water and shelter are readily available. Cockroach control at the basic level therefore involves reduction or elimination of these components from the environment. Although it may seem impossible to completely eradicate cockroaches from your dwelling, you can always attain a certain level of control, so that very few of these insects are ever seen.
Cockroaches have changed very little in their 400 million years on earth. Because they evolved as scavengers of dead plant material, they prefer carbohydrates to proteins or fats. However, when they are hungry, they will feed on almost anything.
Our technician will complete a thorough investigation of your home before starting this service looking for signs of cockroach activity as well as discuss with you any concerns you may have on site. Our technician will service all crack and crevices with a flushing agent designed to kill roaches found on site during service, some of these areas will include your windows, skirting boards, cracks in tiles and kitchen cupboards. Other areas will have a cockroach paste applied to them, this paste will attract hiding roaches, these roaches will feed on this paste rendering them unable to reproduce and eventually dying. A powder will also be blown into your roof void if required. Usually a follow up visit will be performed 10 to 14 days later.
GEL TREATMENT-Gel treatment is a better method of controlling cockroaches, it has revolutionized pest control. It is non-smelly, non messy way of controlling cockroaches. No need to remove anything from the kitchen.
Method of Treatment: Minute amounts of Gel are applied in strategic locations with the help of a syringe, Cockroaches are mostly in the kitchen and pantries and we concentrate on these areas, although the Gel is applied in the toilet and the entire premises.
How Gel Works: Gel has an edible product especially attractive to cockroaches. Gel has cascading effect. Once some cockroaches have eaten Gel they contaminate other cockroaches also and the result is better control over the population of cockroaches.
Gel can be applied to sensitive areas such as electrical control boxes, kitchen appliances, computers etc.
Chemical treatment is carried out by spraying combination of insecticides (Herbal Insecticide / Chemical Insecticide) in every crack and crevice of the premises to reach all the hidden parts to kill all the existing cockroaches.
All Chemicals we use are certified & recommended for Indoor / Domestic Use

Rat Control

Unlike roach control, which can be accomplishing by spraying some chemical agents around the home, rat control requires a completely different approach. Rats are intelligent animals that can sense many types of danger and avoid it to stay alive. Handling a rat control problem can be a difficult pursuit if you do not know some successful methods of rat control
First Step for Rat Control is Sanitation, Inspection and Exclusion
Inspection is the first step in getting rid of rats. After the inspection, you know where to set traps or place bait.
Exclusion of all possible entry points is the next step in rodent control to get rid of rats.Exclusion will make it difficult for the rat to enter your home or structure. Rats are easier to exclude than mice. Mice can enter an opening as little as 3/8" wide.
All openings greater that 1/4" should be sealed to exclude mice. For rats, all openings greater that 1/2" should be sealed.Next Step for Rat Control is Trapping or Baiting

Fumigation Fumigation refers to a process of exposing an area to gas or certain gaseous chemicals for the purpose of purification or pest control. Fumigation is performed by professionals to rid houses of pests like termites. Chemicals used in fumigation include chloropicrin, phosphine and lodoform. Fumigation kills drywood termites, wood borers, household pest, microbes and tiny insects not visible to the naked eye. We have expert fumigators licensed by the Nat. Committee on Urban Pest Control
Fogging To kill mosquitoes, flies, biting flies, gnats and other annoying, flying pests, use Pyrethrin fogging material. Pyrethrins are derived from a natural source and are widely used in the pest control and mosquito control for a quick knock-down of targeted pests. Using a natural substance for a quick kill has been popular for a long time. With the increased awareness of mosquito borne disease (Dengue, West Nile Virus, Malaria, etc.) many home owners are opting to control mosquitoes on their property.
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Cebu: Room 220
Hotel de Mercedes, Pelaez St., Cebu City
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Iloilo: MH del Pilar St., Molo, Iloilo City
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Bacolod: # 89 Alijis Road, Alijis, Bacolod City